Sunday, August 01, 2004

Character in Suffering

One of the passages our pastor taught on today was Romans 5:1-5. He focused on the progression Paul talks about: suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces character, and character produces hope.

Well I bring this up because it's something I'm working through right now. Earlier this year we were in a financial situation where we really suffered. But God took us through that time and we persevered. You know what? God produced in us character and a trust that He will take care of us no matter what. He provided. It's interesting though because his provision may not have been financial support, but however He provided for us would have developed a hope in Him that He will take care of us. (does that make sense? It's getting late).

Right now we're raising support to go on a mission trip. Sometimes I feel we'll never make it. I've already forgotten the hope He gave me earlier this year.

It was good to be reminded again today.

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