Saturday, December 04, 2004

New Temperature Scale

Today I have officially crossed over into "really geeky" territory. Of course I am, after all, an Einstein! I've created a new temperature scale. You see, I'm tired of converting Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa. So, I've created a temperature scale that is based on what I call "normal living temperatures". I like that Celsius goes from 0-100 based on water freezing and boiling. I like that logic. But "living temperatures" go from about 0-38. Fahrenheit never made sense to me for living temperatures. It goes from 32-100. That's not much better.

So I want to have a scale that goes from 0-100 in living temperatures. What I did was start with 0 Celsius and end with 100 Fahrenheit, then scale it throughout to get the Rob Temperature Scale.

Because I don't want to post every degree change, here's the comparisons:

100 F = 100 R = 38 C
90 F = 85 R = 32 C
80 F = 71 R = 27 C
70 F = 56 R = 21 C
60 F = 41 R = 16 C
50 F = 26 R = 10 C
40 F = 12 R = 4 C
32 F = 0 R = 0 C

0 C = 0 R = 32 F
5 C = 13 R = 41 F
10 C = 26 R = 50 F
15 C = 40 R = 59 F
20 C = 53 R = 68 F
25 C = 66 R = 77 F
30 C = 79 R = 86 F
35 C = 93 R = 95 F
38 C = 100 R = 100 F

So how did you spend your Saturday morning?

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